Dying Man Saved by 15-Year-Old

Dying Man Saved by 15-Year-Old

15-year-old Mia Shapiro Starlin was out shopping recently when she heard some calls for help.

She ran out to the street to find a man lying unconscious on the ground. He was not breathing and had no pulse.

Two months earlier, Mia had completed MAGEN DAVID ADOM’s first-aid course and became a member of its youth volunteer corps. She identified herself as a MAGEN DAVID ADOM volunteer and took charge of the CPR, performing chest compressions and initiating electric shock treatments.

She used one of the emergency defibrillators that MAGEN DAVID ADOM has installed in various strategic locations.

When the Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance team arrived a few minutes later, they joined her in fighting for the man’s life.

“When his heart started beating, I was really excited,” Mia said later. “I realized I saved a life!”

Shmuel Levy, 79, was evacuated to the hospital, where he made a full recovery.

A few days later, Mia stopped by to visit Shmuel at his home where he and his family were delighted to meet her. They could not thank her enough.

“I am very glad I acted professionally and quickly in the field, even though I am new to MAGEN DAVID ADOM,” Mia said. “I hope now more people will understand the importance of learning CPR and placing defibrillators in public areas.”

The generous financial support of friends like you provides first-aid training for dedicated young people like Mia, and also helps MAGEN DAVID ADOM install portable defibrillators in public spaces.