Chancellor, The King’s University, Dallas-Los Angeles
Israel is a land about which God says uniquely, prophetically, redemptively, and repeatedly in the Bible, “This is Mine.” God refers to Israel as He does to no other land on Earth. Israel was raised up to be a light to the Gentiles. As Christians and Americans, we have an historic and just obligation to support Israel against antagonists that wish to destroy her very existence. Israel must be strengthened against enemies that do not seek peace but rather Israel’s eradication. Believers need to rise up and speak by the millions to stand with Israel! To do so is to speak for justice based in history’s truth and for all humanity—in the Middle East and around the world. Heart to Heart Israel is a clear and practical way through which we can express our obligatory support for Israel, and openly stand with Israel. And through our support of Israel we also are instruments of His peace throughout the Earth.
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